I saw this ad on a website called funnyads.com. It is a witty advertisement for Dove Anti-Frizz Cream using the lovely locks of Marge Simpson. The design of the ad is a before and after shot of Marge. In the before shot, Marge looks concerned about the volume and piled-high style of her hair. After using Dove’s Anti-Frizz Cream, she looks relaxed and happy with her smooth, soft, flowing hair.
The layout is simple and to the point. It is not cluttered and makes good use of white space. The logo for Dove is in the upper right-hand corner of the layout and the product is in the lower right with the explanation across the bottom of the page. Marge dominates the ad with her before and after shots. The text says (black/bold text shown in the ad):
“New Dove Anti-Frizz Cream. A new movement in hair is here. Turn unruly hair into foxy momma hair. New Dove Anti-Frizz Cream with our Weightless Moisturizers makes hair smooth, shiny and doesn’t leave it greasy. Welcome to blue heaven.”
Beneath the text the product’s slogan is shown in lower case in light blue:
“unstick your style.”
All of the text is located next to the bottle of the product. The font is a simple san-serif style similar to Ariel.
I was attracted to the piece because of its humor and bright colors. I think the ad is a fun, fresh and highly effective advertisement and I have never seen a full episode of the Simpsons – so it probably has broad appeal. It makes me want to buy some Anti-Frizz Cream especially since it worked so well for Marge!